The first Roman legion

The first Roman legion, known as the legio, was established around the 6th century BCE. The exact date of the first Roman legion's formation is not entirely clear, but historical sources suggest that the origins of the Roman legions can be traced back to the early Roman Republic, around 500 BCE.

Expansion and Conquest

The Roman army’s effectiveness played a key role in Rome’s expansion from a small city-state to a vast empire. Roman soldiers were responsible for conquering new territories, including much of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The army also played a central role in maintaining c

The Roman Legion

By the time of the late Republic and the early Empire (1st century BC to 2nd century AD), the Roman army had become a well-organized and highly effective fighting force. The legion, the primary unit of the Roman army, typically consisted of around 5,000 soldiers and was divided into smaller units, s
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